App Privacy Policy

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I. Privacy Policy

Effective status: This Privacy Policy is effective and was last updated as of Sep 8th, 2019

II. Our commitment to your privacy

A. Thank you for using our application, The privacy of our users is very important to us. This Privacy Policy describes:

  1. How and why we collect certain information from you via the application;
  2. How we use and with whom we share such information;
  3. How you can access and update such information
  4. The choices you can make about how we collect, use and share your information.

Note: If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or our information collection and use practices, please contact us using the information in the “Contact Us” section below.

III. Information we collect

A. Non-Personal Information – We collect information about , your device and your use of the Application, as described in more detail below.

B. Third-parties service providers that collect non-personal data – our app include some third parties service providers which are Firebase , Analytics , AdMob , Crashlytics. These service providers collect a non-personal information like you phone hardware information and crashes that happen within our app and some other data about app performance and non-personal data about you to show you relative ads, please read each one privacy policy for more information

IV. How we collect information about you

We may collect Non-Personal Information about you in any one or more of the following ways:

A. Application interactions

You may be able to take part in certain activities on our application that give you the opportunity to communicate or share information not just with us, but also with other users of our Service. These include:

  • Images you choose to share on social networks or save locally
  • Images version update

B. Cookies and automated non personal information collection

Like most standard applications, we collect certain types of technical “Non Personal Information”, including Device types and models. We may also use web beacons, which allow us to know if a certain screen was visited, or if ad banners on our application and other applications were effective.

Note that some Advertisements displayed on our Application are delivered through Admob a third party advertising networks. When you click on one of these advertisements, the collects “click stream data” related to your visit to that link. Click stream data is anonymous and can include information such as your IP address, Web pages viewed, the date and time at which those pages were viewed and interaction with content and advertisements on those Web pages. Technologies used to collect this click stream data includes cookies and Web beacons.

You may opt-out of receiving Cookies from third party advertising networks such as Google Analysts through a link to the Network Advertising Initiatives cookie opt-out page, which can be found here. If you wish to know more about online behavioral advertising, and how to opt-out of it, please visit

E. Third Party Advertisers

We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our application. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. Please note that click stream data is anonymous and can include information such as your IP address, web pages viewed, the date and time at which those pages were viewed and interaction with content and advertisements on those web pages. Technologies used to collect this click stream data include cookies and Web beacons.

You may opt-out of receiving Cookies from third party advertising networks through a link to the Network Advertising Initiatives cookie opt-out page, which can be found here. You can also find out how to make these changes to your browser here.

V. How we use information collected from you

We may use Non-Personal Information collected from you in any one or more of the following ways:

A. How We Use Your Non-Personal Information – Non-Personal Information collected from you is used for various purposes, such as:

  1. To improve our products and services;
  2. To customize the user experience of the Application;
  3. To administer the Application;
  4. To analyze trends, track user movement and gather statistical information for aggregate use; and
  5. To customize advertising that may be visible to you on the Application

VII. Our policy towards children

A. This Application is not intended for children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect any Personal Information from such children. Children under the age of 13 should not use our Application or our online services at any time. In the event that we learn that we have inadvertently gathered Personal Information from children under the age of 13, we will use reasonable efforts to erase such information from our records.

VIII. Changes to this policy

A. If we decide to make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will attempt to notify you and other users of the Application by sending a notice to the email address provided to us and/or by placing a notice on our Application. You should periodically check the Application notifications for such notices.

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy and/or practices, please send an email to: